Did you know that your tooth and gum health are especially important if you have osteoporosis?
A recent study published by the Pubic Library of Science Journal "PLOS One" looked into the connection between osteoporosis and periodontal disease (diseases that affect the gums and bones that support your teeth). Over 2,500 women were surveyed from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination to find out if there is a correlation between the two diseases. They found that women with osteoporosis were more likely to develop periodontal disease. This was especially true for women during and up to four years after menopause. As the study mentioned, the connection between these two health issues and heightened risk during and right after menopause is likely because of the sudden changes in estrogen. Estrogen can affect calcium absorption, which has an impact on bone strength.
What does that mean for you? If you have osteoporosis, talk with your doctor and dentist about how to keep your gums and bones (including your teeth) healthy.