Meet AI + the well guide

Wellen Chat

Harness the power of Wellen's science-backed knowledge and the latest advances in AI to learn more about osteoporosis and osteopenia.

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the well guide

An AI-powered chatbot designed to help you live a healthier life

Get stronger. Live life actively.

Why Wellen Chat?

Your questions answered

Leverage AI-powered technology to get answers to all your questions related to bone health.

Easy-to-use chat

Access Wellen's expert information through a simple, user-friendly chat interface available 24/7 on multiple devices.


How does Wellen Chat work and where does the information come from?

Wellen Chat combines OpenAI's language model with Wellen's Well Guide, providing information on osteoporosis and osteopenia through an easy-to-use chat interface. The chatbot also provides links to related articles on the Well Guide.

Can Wellen Chat replace my healthcare provider or medical professional?

No. Wellen Chat is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your healthcare provider or medical professional before making any changes to your treatment plan or lifestyle.

Is there a cost to using Wellen Chat?

Wellen Chat is entirely free and allows up to 6 daily responses. By enrolling in our personalized exercise program designed for women with osteoporosis and osteopenia, members unlock unlimited access to Wellen Chat. You can sign up for a free trial of your personalized exercise program here.

Ready for Wellen Chat?

Harness the knowledge and expertise of Wellen's science-backed content about osteoporosis and osteopenia.

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