Walking Lunge


Lunges are a great functional exercise that strengthens the muscles of the hips and legs. Adding movement can mimic activities of daily living such as walking or running while also challenging your balance.

Set up

Begin standing with ample space to your sides and in front of you. Place your hands on your hips, out to the sides or behind your head.


Take one big step forward. Once your front foot is planted, slowly lower down until your back knee almost touches the ground and your front knee forms a 90-degree angle. Return to standing and step your back leg forward and past your front leg until it becomes the front leg, like an exaggerated step. Lower the left knee down to the ground for another lunge. Return to standing. Repeat, alternating legs while traveling forward.


  • Don’t let your front knee pass your toes as you lower.
  • If you lose your balance, try adjusting your hand placement. If you still feel unbalanced, practice a standing lunge before doing the walking version.
  • You should feel the work in your hips, butt and legs.
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